Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Agnes (3rd cent.) martyr In the second half of the third century, on 21 January of an unknown year, Agnes, barely thirteen years old, died as a martyr in Rome

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Damiana (4th cent.) nun and martyr At the beginning of the fourth century, in the Egyptian province of Parallos north of the Nile delta, the monastic superior Damiana was decapitated alon...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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"Cet Esprit de feu que j'ai reçu, recevez-le vous aussi. Présentez-lui la discipline du corps et l'humilité du cœur. Demandez avec un coeur pur cet Esprit de feu et il vous sera...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Menno Simons (1496-1561) witness In 1535, in the German city of Münster near the Dutch border, a bloodbath put an end to a tragic attempt to establish the New Jerusalem by force Lectionary

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Les monastères doivent être des lieux où la vie circule, se fait visible, espaces qui offrent le bonum de cette vie à ceux qui l'approchent. Ainsi les moines sauront être mémoire évangé...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Timothy and Titus apostles The day after the conversion of St. Paul, the Western churches commemorate Timothy and Titus, bishops of the early Church and Paul's collaborators in the mission to ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Nino (ca. 276-ca. 340) witness Today the Georgian Church commemorates Nino, an early evangelizer of the Republic of Georgia

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Gandhi (1869-1948) righteous among the nations In 1948 Mahatma Gandhi, a prophet of nonviolence and universal love, was on his way to daily evening prayer when he was killed by three pist...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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La communauté offre à la Bible son lieu: il y a une réciprocité, une mutuelle appartenance entre corps scripturaire et corps ecclésial. C'est là que la Parole est annoncée et célébrée e...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Marcella (ca. 330-411) nun Marcella, a Roman noblewoman who is remembered as the founder of women's monastic life in the city of Rome, died at the beginning of the year 411

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Le monachisme et l'oecuménisme ne peuvent plus être interprétés et compris l'un sans l'autre. Sur le chemin de la réconciliation entre les Églises, le monachisme constitue une voie ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI Prayer is an essential component of history because the cry of the poor and the world's victims, which ascends to God as a plea for justice and peace

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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XVI International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality Spiritual Paternity Bose, 18- 21 September 2008 Scientific commettee: Enzo Bianchi (Bose), Lino Breda (Bose), Sabino C...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Monasticism and ecumenism can no longer be understood apart from each other. In the journey toward reconciliation among the churches, monasticism plays a particularly important role, because i...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI Our own listening leads us to recognize God’s listening as a dimension that precedes us and in which we are immersed

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI Chastity creates in us a pure heart that is able to see reality and other people in God, it also makes us living reflections of God's love

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI The criterion in Christian obedience is the Holy Spirit, who interiorizes the demands of the Gospel in each of us "We must obey God rather than men&...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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In prayer we carry our entire life with us. We are beings-in-relationship with others: other people are part of us, and our relationships play a central role in determining who we are and who we wi...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI Solitude, which we fear because it reminds us of the radical solitude of death, is in reality always solitudo pluralis, plural solitude

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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The Words of Spirituality by ENZO BIANCHI If we find ourselves able to say 'thank you' for the past and 'yes' to the future, we have performed a spiritual operation that is an essential

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Les moines, qu'offrent-ils à leurs frères? De quelles memoriae peuvent-ils être le signe? La communauté monastique, qui se sait partie prenante de l'Eglise et qui l'aime d'un amour...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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What do monastics offer their brothers and sisters? What do they help us remember about Christian life? The monastic community, knowing that it is part of the church and offering the church all...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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La vie spirituelle, c'est avant tout une vie de pécheur pardonné, de pécheur qui retourne à Dieu. N'idéalisons pas: la vie spirituelle chrétienne n'est pas une ascension irrépressi...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Le chemin monastique authentique lie, de fait, la liberté, la loi et l'Esprit de manière indissoluble. Car pour vivre la communion et la charité, il faut à la fois la liberté, la loi et l&#...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Grandir est la première vocation humaine et spirituelle de l'homme. Cela veut dire donner son "oui" à Dieu, dans l'obéissance, consentir à ce que la croissance s'opère, consen...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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La vie monastique est longue, ou plutôt elle peut apparaître telle: une longue aventure de vie. Mais si l'on vit l'aujourd'hui de Dieu, si chaque jour on entend sa voix, on entre alors,...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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N'oublions pas l'impact du Concile et de certains de ses textes, qui ont déposé dans la vie religieuse des ferments qui la modifieront toujours davantage, jusqu'à lui donner un nouveau ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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Chaque communauté religieuse devrait avoir une orientation prophétique fondamentale; ses membres devraient désirer et assurer un espace, un terrain qui puisse faire germer et nourir le don de proph...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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La lectio divina entre constitutivement dans la forma vitae monastique, et ce n'est pas par hasard si elle a toujours été ressentie comme faisant partie de la radicalité évangélique que le moin...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 12:25

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On December 2, 2002 Rowan Williams was announced as the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate of All England, and head of the worldwide Anglican Communion. He was previously Archbishop of Wales, ...