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XVI International Ecumenical Conference
on Orthodox Spirituality
Spiritual Paternity
Bose, 18- 21 September 2008
Scientific commettee: Enzo Bianchi (Bose), Lino Breda (Bose), Sabino Chialà (Bose), Giorgio Cracco (Turin), Nina Kauchtschischwili (Bergamo), Hervé Legrand (Paris), Adalberto Mainardi (Bose), Antonio Rigo (Venice), Roberto Salizzoni (Turin), Michel Van Parys (Chevetogne).
Download the registration form and the program:
The Secretariat is at disposal for any further information:
Conference Secretariat
Monastero di Bose
I-13887 Magnano (BI)
Tel. +39 015.679.185
Fax +39 015.679.294
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monastero di Bose
I-13887 Magnano (BI)
Tel. +39 015.679.185
Fax +39 015.679.294
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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