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Bose, 8-11 September 2010 XVIII International Ecumenical Conference La dimensione ecumenica di questo convegno ci tocca da vicino, poiché da vari anni ormai vivono nelle nostre d...


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Bose, 8-11 September 2010 XVIII International Ecumenical Conference Qui noi cristiani siamo chiamati a mostrare concretamente che la solitudine può maturare in una presenza di Di...


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25 November 2010 To those who contemplate her icons, they open the eyes up to the invisible, they invite to penetrate into heavenly lands, they open spaces of inhabited silence, they point...


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Bose, 11 September 2010 In questi ultimi anni, la Comunità di Bose e i Convegni Ecumenici  Internazionali di spiritualità ortodossa che sono stati organizzati qui, non hanno sol...


É possibile seguire le fasi di creazione di alcuni dei vasi esposti e degli altri manufatti del laboratorio: l'impasto della terra, la tornitura, la produzione degli smalti e i vari metodi d...


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Sestri Levante Exhibition from 16 December 2010 to 6 January 2011 The stoneware pottery of Bose and the floating stones of Alfredo Gioventù Earth, water, and man's ha...


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Bose, 1 - 16 maggio 2010Esposizione delle ceramiche in gres di Bose lavorate a mano e cotte ad alta temperatura secondo procedimenti tradizionali L’ikebana incontra le ceramiche di Bose1- 2 maggio ...


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Saturday 18 December 2010 For many years now he had been a friend of the community; he returned often for periods of silence, reflection prayer, and always tried to come for the Easter triduu...


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Bose, 7-10 September 2011   XIX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches   THE WORD OF GOD IN TH...


9th International liturgical conference Bose, 2-4 June 2011 The 9th International Liturgical Conference of Boseintends to deal with the real tension that exists between the request o...


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Sacerdoce, Parole de Dieu et liturgie © 2011 Éditions ad Solem La liturgie est composée de deux parties: la liturgie de la Parole et la liturgie de l'Eucharistie. Ces ...


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A Cloud if Witnesses: Opportunities for ecumenical commemoration Edited by TAMARA GRDZELIDZE and GUIDO DOTTI pp. 317 - € 23,00 © 2009 WCC Pubblications   A Cloud if W...


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In November 2010, at the invitation of the president, cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, brother Enzo gave a talk on “Mystagogical communication” at the plenary assembly of the Pontifical Coun...


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D. Allchin, L. S. Cunningham, J. Forest, P. Pearson, B. Thurston, R. Williams Thomas Merton Solitudine e comunione Bose, 9-10 October 2004 Thomas Merton Solitudine e comunione Bose, 9...


Monastery of Bose, 2–4 June 2011 IXth International Liturgical Conference ARS LITURGICA The many participants come from Italy and other countries: Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Brit...


Bose, 22 May 2011 The Commission, which gathers at Bose from 17 to 27 may 2011, is discussing in depth topics such as “The Church as communion, local and universal” ...


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The International Anglican has announced that the first meeting of the third phase of dialogue (dubbed ARCIC III) will be held at our monastery of Bose on 17–27 May 2011. This initiative refl...


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IXth International Liturgical Conference Bose, 2 June 2011 «Quando l’arte è liturgica? Quando serve (inserviat) alla liturgia (cf. Sacrosantum Concilium 123)?». Come sempre nei nostri con...


IXth International Liturgical Conference Bose, 2-4 June 2011 Promoted by the Monastery of Bose in collaboration with the National Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage of the Italian Bisho...


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The Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission - called ARCIC III - has announced that the first meeting of the third phase of dialogue (dubbed ARCIC III) will be held at our monastery o...


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Avvenire, 4 giugno 2011 di GIACOMO GAMBASSI Torna più volte nel monastero di Bose una frase che rac­chiude una necessaria con­sapevolezza e, al tempo spesso, ri­chiama all’impegno dell...


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De uma maneira simples e pedagógica, com claro objectivo pastoral, o autor procura abordar diversos elementos referentes à oração. O livro é dividido em 3 partes. A primeira explana o que é a oraçã...


IX International Liturgical Conference Bose, 2-4 June 2011 Organized by the Monastery of Bose in collaboration with the National Office for the Cultural Heritage of the Church&n...


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Ecumenical office for the liturgical year With humility and love we offer this our labor and joy, a daily instrument for an ecumenical liturgy of the Hours go to the book: {link_prodo...


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? PIER GIORGIO DEBERNARDI Bishop of Pinerolo The Preghiera dei giorni is an excellent text, with which all Christians feel at home. It is “the art of prayer”, which has matured with l...


IXth International Liturgical Conference Bose, Thursday 2 - Saturday 4 June 2011 Monastery of Bose National Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage – IBC


Avvenire, 29 maggio 2011 di ENZO BIANCHI La liturgia cristiana deve discernere e giudicare quali opere d’arte possono entrare in essa e acquisire la capacità di essere concelebranti, di essere mist...


Avvenire, 4 giugno 2011 di GIACOMO GAMBASSI Il direttore dell’Ufficio nazionale beni culturali ecclesiastici: Chiesa italiana impegnata a rinnovare il dialogo fra opera d’arte e contesto liturgico


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During Summer and Autumn the fraternity organizes workcamps for young people. To join them you need to contact the brothers in advance. Contact us      ...