Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Letter to our friends Just as the paschal event, in which is inherent universal salvation, is not imposed on all, but only offered, so too the word that communicates and bears witness to that anno...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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A Memory of Metropolitan Emilianos of Silyvria (1916-2008) Bose, 18 September 2008 by ATHENAGORAS of Sinope Desiderava ardentemente l’unità visibile dei Cristiani A Memory of Metropolitan Em...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Brother, sister, when you welcome guests, be aware that it is God who is coming to you as a pilgrim. You will welcome every guest as you would welcome Christ. You will treat all guests who come to ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Brother, sister, you have been called to follow Christ in community life and in celibacy. In answering this call, you are not undertaking a new way of living the Gospel. You should be aware of this...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Bose, 18 September 2008 by ENZO BIANCHI Grazie alla mediazione di un padre o di una madre che sappiano esercitare l’arte dell’accompagnamento nello Spirito XVI INTERNATIONAL ECUMENICAL...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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the courses of the Bose Studium are intended primarily for the novices and other members of our community, but open also to priests and seminarians, monks and nuns, religious men and women of other...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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a bookcase We create house and church furniture with solid oak and fir wood. Tables, chairs, armchairs, chests, beds, bookcases and wardrobes are the main items of house furniture. Chairs, sto...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

Already in its fifth year, the International Liturgical Conference at Bose provides for an annual encounter of scholars and scientists of world renown, belonging to different Christian churches

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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At Bose on May 18 and 19, 1997, during the extraordinary and unhoped-for visit of his Holiness Bartholomeos I, Archbishop of Constantinople and Ecumenical Patriarch, Enzo Bianchi, founder and prior...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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From the first centuries of Christianity, there have been men and women, who soon were called monastics, who left everything in order to try to live the Gospel radically in celibacy and united in c...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Bose, 21 September 2008 XVI International Ecumenical Conference The final lecture given by Metropolitan SERAPHIM of GERMANY XVI INTERNATIONAL ECUMENICAL CONFERENCE Listenn to ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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read by MICHEL VAN PARYS in the name of the Scientific Committee  XVI International Ecumenical Conference La tradizione della paternità spirituale è unica pur avendo volti infinitamente vari ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Bose, 18-21 September 2008 XVI International Ecumenical Conference The community wishes to thank all who made this fraternal meeting between Christians of all the Churches possible Bishop Savv...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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In the course of its thirty-five year history, the community of Bose has been enriched by the arrival of new brothers and sisters from numerous regions of Italy and from abroad. The community now h...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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All the members of the community work, earning their living with their own hands, just like everyone else, and following the example of the apostles and fathers. Our community receives no financia...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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In order to understanding how monastic life is lived at Bose we have a look at a day in the life of the community. As a way of living concretely the centrality of the Word of God...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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XVI INTERNATIONAL ECUMENICAL CONFERENCE The prior of Bose Enzo Bianchi has announced that the next Conference will be held from 9 to 12 September 2009 and will deal with the theme of the spiritua...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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XVI International Ecumenical Conference by Natalija Suchova I consigli degli starec davano il diapason della vita spirituale, l’orientamento verso la Verità e la salvezza, perché con le loro labb...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

Avvenire, 30 October 2008  by ENZO BIANCHI CRISTIANI, TORNA L'EPOCA DEI MARTIRI Avvenire, 30 ottobre 2008di ENZO BIANCHI Una nube di testimoni Simposio ecumenico internazionale La rea...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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  Since ancient times pottery, simply obtained by firing a mix of earth and water, enables people to cook their food and decorate their houses. Earthenware was thus very well known and exploi...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Synod of bishops 2008 Let us now remain silent, to hear the word of God with effectiveness and let us maintain this silence after hearing, so that it may continue to dwell in us, to live in us, an...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Synod of bishops 2008 The challenge before us is the discernment of God’s Word in the face of evil, the transfiguration of every last detail and speck of this world in the light of Resurrection ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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The icon laboratory of the monastery of Bose started its activity about twenty years ago. Nowadays a small group of brothers and sisters of the community share with many monks of the Christian Eas...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

The tapestry work at Bose follows a very ancient handwearing technique, the so-called "high warp" technique. The chosen draft is firstly enlarged to a full-size cartoon. This cartoon is then fixed ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Ever since the first years of our community, agriculture has always been an important part of our work. Growing according to the different seasons, the great variety of agricultural produce r...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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XVI INTERNATIONAL ECUMENICAL CONFERENCE The prior of Bose Enzo Bianchi has announced that the next Conference will be held from 9 to 12 September 2009 and will deal with the theme of the spiritua...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Since its first years, the community of Bose has felt the need to have a library, which could meet its members' spiritual and intellectual requirements. Over the years, the library's patrimony has...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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Scripture, the writings of the Church fathers, and liturgy are at the core of the community life. For this reason Biblical, Patristic, and liturgical research, as well as the edition and translatio...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 06:23

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XVII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality   Bose, Wednesday 9 - Saturday 12 September 2009 in collaboration with the Orthodx Churches  SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE IN ...