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Letter to our friends at forty years since the beginning of our community life We keep firm only thanks to the Lord’s faithfulness to his gifts and we persevere, despite all our weaknesses and fai...


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Bose, 9-12 September 2009 XVII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality Next Conference planned for 2009 is dedicated to the image of the spiritual struggle. Tradition, at le...


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28 January 2009 With deep joy and in a spirit of thanksgiving to the Lord we welcome the announcement of the election of Kirill, Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad, as the new Patriarch of M...


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??????Lectio Divina?????? © 2001 Benedict Press, Waegwan translation into Korean of: ENZO BIANCHI Pregare la Parola © edizioni Gribaudi, 1974


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This visit represented a sign of deep affection for our community, as well as a song of thanksgiving by him, who is consciously and serenely preparing for the meeting with the L...


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© 2005 Living with Scripture Publishers       translation into Korean of: ENZO BIANCHI {link_prodotto:id=599} © 2003 Edizioni Qiqajon


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Bose, 9 - 12 September 2009 17th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Moscow 1...


Bose, 4 - 6 June 2009 Organized by the Monastery of Bose in collaboration with the National Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage of the IBC


VII International Liturgical Conference Bose, 4-6 June 2009 The Church was born and grew in the city, so that it became the Church of one city. It is bound to a city to such an extent that ev...


Bose, 4 - 6 June 2009 VII International Liturgical Conference Church and City Participants come from Italy, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brasil, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ke...


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?????????? © ?? : ?????????? , 1995.12     translation into Japanese of: ENZO BIANCHI Pregare la Parola © edizioni Gribaudi, 1974


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© Sarutlan Kármelia N?vérek, Pécs, 2001   Abridged translation into Hungarian of: ENZO BIANCHI Pregare la Parola © edizioni Gribaudi, 1974


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Dzie? pana dzie? cz?owieka © 1997 "W drodze" translation into Polish of: ENZO BIANCHI Giorno del Signore, giorno dell'uomo © Piemme, 1994 now Vivere la domenica...


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Introduccion a la Lectio Divina © Ediciones el Horeb   translation into Spanish of: Enzo Bianchi Pregare la Parola © edizioni Gribaudi, 1974


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© 1998 TYNIEC, Kraków translation into Polish of: Enzo Bianchi Pregare la Parola © edizioni Gribaudi, 1974


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Molitvennoe ?tenie Svjaš?ennogo Pisanija © 1994 Put’, Moskva     translation into Russian of: Enzo Bianchi Pregare la Parola © edizioni Gribaudi, 1974


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 ©  2006, San Pablo, Madrid       translation into Spanish of: ENZO BIANCHI Una vita differente © San Paolo 2005


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© 1987 Montserrat translation into Catalan of: ENZO BIANCHI Il mantello di Elia Edizioni Qiqajon, 1985


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© 1992 Uitgaven Abdij Bethlehe, B 2820 Bonheiden translation into Flemish of: ENZO BIANCHI Amici del Signore © edizioni Gribaudi, 1990


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De radicaliteit van het Christendom © D/1998/3025/1Uitgaven Abdij Bethlehem   translation into Flemish of: ENZO BIANCHI Il radicalismo cristiano © edizioni Gribaudi, 1975


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© D/1997/3025/1 Uitgaven Abdij Bethlehem       translation into Flemish of: ENZO BIANCHI Il mantello di Elia © edizioni Qiqajon, 1985  


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© 2006 Ediciones Sigueme S.A.U.       translation into Spanish of: ENZO BIANCHI Le parole della spiritualità © 1999 Rizzoli


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© 2004 eSPe Kraków   translation into Polish of: ENZO BIANCHI Altrimenti. Credere e narrare il Dio dei cristiani © Piemme 1998


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© 1988 Editorial Claret, Barcelona translation into Catalan of: ENZO BIANCHI Pregare la Parola © edizioni Gribaudi, 1974


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Pretende ser uma tentativa de destacar a Igreja como possível lugar de verdadeiro humanismo, espaço de diálogo e de recuperação de princípios compartilhados, lugar de confronto entre éticas e atitu...


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© 2006 Inst. Miss. Filhas de São Paulo   translation into Portuguese of: ENZO BIANCHI La differenza cristiana © edizioni Einaudi, 2006


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© 1997 Montserrat   translation into Catalan of: ENZO BIANCHI Giorno del Signore, giorno dell'uomo © Piemme, 1994 now Vivere la domenica © edizioni Rizzoli, 2005


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La mort est un événement inéluctable de notre existence face auquel nous pouvons faire preuve d'acceptation ou de révolte. Elle engendre angoisse et peur parce que nous gardons inscrit au fond ...


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Dans nos pays d'Europe et de vieille chrétienté, la question de l'étranger, de l'immigré et du réfugie se fait chaque jour plus pressante. Ainsi que le souligne E...


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Biblia, hors série 1  Numéro hors série de la revue BIBLIA consacré à la figure de Marie. Enzo Bianchi y parcourt toutes les données que nous en fournissent des quatre Évangiles et la grande t...