Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© 2008 Krakow eSPe translation into Polish of: ENZO BIANCHI L'amore vince la morte © San Paolo 2008

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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At the Lambeth Conference, which was held in Canterbury, over 650 bishops from the various Provinces of the Anglican communion participated

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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   © za slovensko izdajo Celjska Mohorjeva družba, 2007       translation into Slovenian of: ENZO BIANCHI La differenza cristiana © edizioni Einaudi, ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

Il Sole 24 Ore, 17 agosto 2008 di GIANFRANCO RAVASI La ricchezza, anche iconografica, di queste pagine permette di comprendere quanto sia rilevante la simbolica dello spazio per una religione com'è...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Bose, 18-21 September 2008 XVI International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Moscow XVI...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© 2005 Ediciones Sigueme translation into Spanish of: ENZO BIANCHI {link_prodotto:id=380} © 2004 Edizioni Qiqajon

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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XVI International Ecumenical Conference In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Moscow XVI International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spir...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© 2005 Ediciones Sigueme translation into Basque of: ENZO BIANCHI {link_prodotto:id=380} © 2004 Edizioni Qiqajon

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Avvenire, 19 September 2008 by ANTONIO GIULIANO Nella quiete di Bose riecheggiava così la preghiera di san Simeone: «Signore, degnati di inviarmi un uomo che ti conosce, perché, servendolo come t...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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La Stampa, 19 September 2008 by SILVIA RONCHEY Il padre spirituale, «un maieuta», spiega Enzo Bianchi, «che esercitando l’accompagnamento libera dall’individualismo quanti si mettono sulla nuova ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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In January and February various brothers and sisters spent a period in monasteries outside Italy to strengthen the bonds of friendship we have with other communities, to know more intimately monast...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© 2005 Ediciones Sigueme translation into Galician of: ENZO BIANCHI {link_prodotto:id=380} © 2004 Edizioni Qiqajon

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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In the first half of this year again many bishops have visited us in sign of their communion and friendship and to share with us the anxieties and hopes of their pastoral ministry in their local Ch...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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At the end of May and beginning of June the Fifth International Liturgical Conference was held in Bose. Continuing the reflections on the relation between liturgy and architecture begun at earlier ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© 2005 Ediciones Sigueme translation into Spanish of: ENZO BIANCHI {link_prodotto:id=384} © 2004 Edizioni Qiqajon

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Enzo Bianchi, prior da Comunidade Monástica de Bose, e Renato Corti, bispo de Novara (Itália) «A paróquia é chamada a guardar como um tesouro a sua história, de modo a apresentar-se de novo como ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

Multithumb found errors on this page:

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Bose, August 20-25, 2007 Week for young people There is a man who knows how hard being and living are, but he can still wonder at the sight of such useless creatures as sparrows and

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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The Christian holidays by ENZO BIANCHI The Transfiguration is the sign worked by God to conform us to his Son, till he makes us like him; it is also the warrant that all our being will be tr...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Bose, 18-21 September 2008 XVI International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Moscow Saturday 2...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© 2006 Inst. Miss. Filhas de São Paulo translation into Portuguese of: ENZO BIANCHI {link_prodotto:id=384} © 2004 Edizioni Qiqajon

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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XVI International Ecumenical Conference Il dono della paternità spirituale è un messaggio, è qualcosa che interpella il nostro mondo, la scelta di una paternità scelta liberamente dai figli ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© 2009 Karmelitánské nakladatelství, s.r.o.     translation into Czech of: ENZO BIANCHI Le parole della spiritualità © 1999 Rizzoli  

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Bose, 18-21 September 2008 XVI International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate of Moscow XVI I...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© 2007 Karmelitánské nakladatelství, s.r.o.   translation into Czech of: ENZO BIANCHI Pregare la Parola © 1974-2004 Piero Gribaudi editore

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Bible and Spirit: the "Lectio Divina" in the Church New book  by ENZO BIANCHI (in Italian)   browse through the book «Con Pregare la Parola desiderai offrire...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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© Deisis, pentru presenta versiune, 2009 Sibiu   translation into Rumanian of: ENZO BIANCHI Pregare la Parola © 1974-2004 Piero Gribaudi editore

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Basil of Caesarea (ca. 330-ca. 379), Church father, monk and pastor Having been instructed by God through the Scriptures, Basil began to attract other companions who shared his one desire...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Ecumenical Symposium Bose, 29 Oct. – 2 Nov. Press release Witnesses to the faith do not belong only to confessional groups but are the common heritage of all Christians

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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Dans sa Lettre aux Philippiens, saint Paul se dévoile: «saisi moi-même par le Christ». Il invite tout chrétien, d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, à vivre une communion très personnelle avec le C...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 20:21

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XVII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality SPIRITUAL STRUGGLE IN THE ORTHODOX TRADITION Bose, 9 - 12 September 2009 in collaboration with the O...