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Ett andligt lexikon  © 2007 Artos & Norma bokförlag       translation into Swedish of: ENZO BIANCHI Le parole della spiritualità  


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Comentario exegético-espiritual © Ediciones Síguemes, Salamanca 2009   translation into Spanish of: ENZO BIANCHI {link_prodotto:id=238} Edizioni Qiqajon 1988, 1990, 2000


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15th International Ecumenical Conference The following photos are all available for publication without charge, but only specifying the credit Photos available for publication (format j-peg ...


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Ascension The mystery confessing Christ as next to God and present in history and inside all men teaches us the transcendence of the other: the other’s face Jesus’ resurrection from the...


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Pentecost The Church must not impose its language, but it has to enter men’s languages in order to announce the wonders of God According to the fourth Gospel, on the very day of his res...


II International Liturgical Conference THE ALTAR Mystery of Presence, Work of ArtBose, 31 October - 2 November 2003Monastery of BoseNational Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage&...


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Dar sentido ao Tempo. As grandes festas cristãs. Em um percurso por vinte festas cristãs significativas do ano litúrgico, o autor nos convida a reencontrar o sentido e a dimensão dos gestos e das p...


III International Liturgical ConferenceTHE AMBON Table of the Word of GodBose, 2-4 June 2005Monastery of BoseNational Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage of the Italian Bishops'...


I International Liturgical ConferenceTHE EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION and its Renewal after the Second Vatican Council Monastery of Bose, 18-23 April 1994

DAILY PROGRAM Bose, 18-23 aprile 1...


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as grandes festas cristãs ©Edições Loyola, São paulo, Brasil, 2007     translation into Portuguese of: ENZO BIANCHI {link_prodotto:id=320} © 2003 Edizioni Qiqajon


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Bose, 25 October 2007 The Holy Spirit “blows wherever it pleases” and “you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going” (John 3:8).


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Estas reflexões sobre a Carta de Paulo aos Filipenses desafiam o cristão a responder à exigência de uma adesão pessoal a Jesus Cristo, até alcançar «os mesmos sentimentos que Ele». Esta adesão, tod...


Bose, 1-4 May 2008 5th International Ecumenical Conference on Protestant Spirituality In collaboration with Theology Departments of the Universities of Strasbourg, Lyon, Geneva, Losanne, and Neuchâ...


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Bose, 29 October - 2 November 2008 International Ecumenical Symposium In collaboration with the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches


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A CLOUD OF WITNESSES OPPORTUNITIES FOR ECUMENICAL COMMEMORATION Bose, 29 October - 2 November 2008International Ecumenical Symposium In collaboration with Faith and Order Commission - WCC PROG...


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© Paulus Editora, Lisboa 2007   translation into Portuguese of: ENZO BIANCHI Vivere è Cristo Edizioni San Paolo, 2006


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The Christian holidays by ENZO BIANCHI The beginning of a man’s life on earth: perhaps just for this extreme simplicity the message of Christmas is so universal    Christmas  The ev...


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The Christian Holidays by ENZO BIANCHI The Most High made himself the Most Low, the infinite became finite, the eternal became temporal, the powerful became weak


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The Christian Holidays by ENZO BIANCHI Epiphany is the commemoration that Jesus, the Messiah, the Son of God and son of man, is meant for all mankind


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Baptism of the LordThe Christian holidays by ENZO BIANCHI Jesus’ baptism reveals that the Holy Spirit descended on him and dwelt in him with his energies


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New translation of the psalms and of eighty Biblical canticles. GABRIELLA CARAMORE intervista ENZO BIANCHI sui Salmi e sul Salterio di Bose. Ascolta le trasmissioni di Radio 3 - Uomini e profeti ...


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The Prior Fr Enzo Bianchi and the community of Bose praise the Lord in silence and give thanks to Him in this time following the death of this man of God


Forms, Presences, Presidency VIth International Liturgical Conference HOLY ASSEMBLY Bose, 5-7 June 2008


VI International Liturgical Conference Bose, 5-7 June 2008 The choice of the holy assembly as the theme of the VI Conference corresponds to the internal logic of the reflection carri...


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Bose, 18 - 21 September 2008 Spiritual Paternity XVI Internazional Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality In collaboration with the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Patriarchate o...


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XVIth International Ecumenical Conference A review of the websites which inform about the XVI International Ecumenical Conference at Bose, 18-21 September 2008 XVI International Ecumeni...


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A CLOUD OF WITNESSES:OPPORTUNITIES FOR ECUMENICAL COMMEMORATION Bose, 29 October - 2 November 2008Monastery of BoseIn collaboration with Faith and Order Commission of the World Council...


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Comentario a la carta a los Filipenses  © Paulinas Madrid 2007        translation into Spanish of: ENZO BIANCHI Vivere è Cristo edizioni San Paolo, 2006


VI International Liturgical ConferenceHOLY ASSEMBLYForm, Presences, PresidencyBose, 5-7 June 2008Monastery of Bose National Office for the Church's Cultural Heritage of the Italian Bi...


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 Rekolekcje na temat Pierwszego Listu ?w. Piotra © 2007 Wydawnictwo Salwator     translation into Polish of: ENZO BIANCHI Una vita differente San Paolo 2005