Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Words of Spirituality

by ENZO BIANCHI The senses are not eliminated but ordered by faith, trained in prayer, grafted in Christ, and transfigured by the Holy Spirit

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

Avvenire, 9 settembre 2015 Si apre oggi al monastero di Bose il XXIII Convegno ecumenico internazionale di spiritualitˆ ortodossa, dedicato a Misericordia e perdono. Dopo l’introduzione del fondat...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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0 Lord, remember not only the men and women of good will, but also those of ill will. But do not remember all the suffering they have inflicted on us; remember the fruits we have bought, ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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In the last few days of the year, our communion was visited by God’s blessing with Card. Roger Etchegaray and Metr. Emilianos Timiadis’s return. Listening another time to the voice of these “father...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

“Allow me to become food for the wild beasts, through whose instrumentality it will be granted me to attain to God. I am the wheat of God, and let me be ground by the...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

24th International Ecumenical Conference of Orthodox Spirituality


Further details

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Message to young people Be oppressed, but not an oppressor; be crucified, but not a crucifier; be outraged, but not an outrager; be defamed, but not a defamer

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Patristic reading We are all like those who intend to travel to the holy city... Let each of us learn his own situation and where he is! We are all like those who intend to travel to the...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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There was a problem loading image 'images/priore/priore_articoli/16_10_03_migranti.jpg'
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Di fronte al fenomeno migratorio – antico quanto il mondo e sempre percepito con dimensioni sconvolgenti – e alla connotazione che ha assunto in Italia negli ultimi decenni appare fuorviante contin...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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There was a problem loading image 'images/preghiera/vangelo/16_07_13_Aertsen_marta_maria.jpg'
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Cari amici, io resto convinto che un essere umano, e dunque un cristiano (perché il cristianesimo è sempre cammino di umanizzazione), deve amare questa terra come se stesso.

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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18 - 25 January 2010 Week of prayer for Christian unity Permit it not, o Lord, that Thy people should cease from being, and try to remove sin by means that are themselves sinful, or to cure ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

ANNO 2024

domenica 18 febbraio

"Quaresima, cammino verso la Pasqua"Ritiro di Quaresimasr. Natalia, monaca benedettina di Montserrat

sabato 2 - domenica 3 marzo


Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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John the Merciful (6th-7th cent.) pastor After the Council of Chalcedon of 451, whose reception was especially problematic in Egypt, two patriarchates were created in Alexandria. One was Coptic, a...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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John Chrysostom (ca. 347-407) Church father and pastor In the year 407, the Church father and pastor John Chrysostom died in exile. His eloquence had earned him the nickname Chrysostom or "golden m...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Gertrude of Helfta (1256-1301/1302) nun Today the Catholic Church commemorates Gertrude, a nun of the monastery of Helfta in Germany.

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Hugh of Lincoln (1140-1200) pastor Hugh, a Cistercian monk and bishop of Lincoln, England, died on November 16, 1200 at the age of sixty.

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Mechthild of Magdeburg (ca.1208-ca.1283) witness In the thirteenth century, the monastery of Helfta was a respected spiritual center and a gathering place for great women mystics who found nourish...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Rabbi Akiva (ca. 50-135) Jewish martyr On an unknown day of the year 135 of the common era, Rabbi Akiva died of torture at the hands of his Roman prison guards, happy to give his life in fulfillme...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Cecilia (2nd-3rd cent.) martyr Today or on a corresponding date in other calendars, almost all of the Christian churches commemorate Cecilia. This Roman martyr lived from the late second to early ...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Clement of Rome (1st-2nd cent.) pastor and martyr Clement, traditionally the third bishop of Rome and the author of an Epistle to the Corinthians that is one of the most moving early Christian wri...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Catherine of Alexandria (4th cent.) martyr Today the Orthodox churches commemorate Catherine of Alexandria, a martyr and witness to God's wisdom.

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Siddharta Gotama Buddha (ca. 560 - ca. 480 BCE) righteous among the nations Siddharta Gotama was born around the year 560 BCE. His father was rajah of the Sakya region, which extended from the slo...

Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Saturday 05 October 2024, at 10:22

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Paisius Velichkovsky Today the Orthodox churches commemorate the starets Paisius Velichkovsky, who was a spiritual father to many generations of monks