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Two brothers of Bose participated in the conference on "Religious freedom and rhythm" organized by the Armenian Apostolic Church and visited historic Armenian monasteries. In the name of our commu...


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9 January 2022

On 9 January 2022, Sunday after Epiphany, after having been present at the Divine Liturgy in the church of Saint George in Fanar (Istanbul), the prior, br Luciano Manicardi...


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30 gennaio 2022

Dear friends and guests,today the professed brothers and sisters of the Community, meeting for the annual General Chapter, in the presence of the ecclesiastical guarantor,...


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28th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityST. ISAAC OF NINEVEHand His Spiritual Teaching

Monastery of Bose, 6-9 settembre 2022in coll...


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Altissimo glorioso Dio,illumina le tenebre de lo core mio.Et dame fede dricta,speranza certa e carità perfecta,senno e cognoscemento,Signore, che faccia lo tuo santo e verace comandamento. Ame...


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6 August 2022

Monastic profession of Elia, GianMarco, and Mónica Dear brothers and sisters,dear friends and guests, Again this year we find ourselves before the mystery of the Lord’s Tr...


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28th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityST. ISAAC OF NINEVEHand His Spiritual Teaching

Monastery of Bose, 6-9 settembre 2022in coll...


The conference is open to all. Simultaneous translation in Italian, Greek and English will be ensured. Arrivals are expected on Monday 5th September; departures on Friday 9th in the afternoon and S...


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28th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityST. ISAAC OF NINEVEHand His Spiritual Teaching

Monastery of Bose, 6-9 settembre 2022in coll...


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Domenica 26 febbraio 2023

Le tentazioni e le sfide della libertà

fr. Daniel Attinger


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Domenica di Pentecoste 28 maggio 2023: Confronto

Giovanni Merlo, direttore di LEDHA (Lega per i diritti delle persone con disabilità) – Milano Simone Stifani, giornalista di Radio Orante...


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13 march 2023

The war in Ukraine continues to crush a people suffering the bloodshed of an absurd fratricidal war. To this are added acts, progressively more explicit, intended to humil...


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Domenica 14 maggio 2023Presentazione del libro di  Alessandra Costanzo

Narrare la sofferenza dei fratelli divorziati risposati, di leggere con attenzione il messaggio della misericor...


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29th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityTHE WISDOM OF THE DESERT: The Sayings of the Fathers and Mothers

Monastero di Bose, 5-8 septembe...


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29th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityTHE WISDOM OF THE DESERT: The Sayings of the Fathers and Mothers

Monastero di Bose, 5-8 septembe...


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da lunedì 13 a venerdì 17 novembre 2023Esercizi spirituali fratel Daniel Attinger


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From 11 to 15 September, we had the joy of hosting the international committee jointly sponsored by the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity (DPCU) and the Faith and Order Commission of the Worl...


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29th International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox SpiritualityTHE WISDOM OF THE DESERT: The Sayings of the Fathers and Mothers

Monastero di Bose, 5-8 septembe...


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sabato 11 novembre 2023Incontro conLuigi Verdi


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Domenica 3 dicembre 2023Ritiro di Avvento

sorella Lisa Cremaschi, Monaca di Bose


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Domenica 18 febbraio 2024Ritiro di Quaresima

fratel Guido Dotti, Monaco di Bose


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Da venerdì 1 a domenica 3 marzoEsercizi spirituali aperti a tutti

fra Mauro Botti ofm custode del santuario di san Damiano


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Orari della settimana santa a san Masseo


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XXX Convegno ecumenico internazionale di spiritualità ortodossaBASILIO IL GRANDE, MAESTRO DI VITA CRISTIANA

30° Inte...


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XXX Convegno ecumenico internazionale di spiritualità ortodossaBASILIO IL GRANDE, MAESTRO DI VITA CRISTIANA