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23 November 2013 The tenth annual meeting of the Catholic-Orthodox group of theological studies St Ireneus discussed the relationship between history and theology, between conciliarity and primacy...


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27 November 2013 The Italian group of the Monastic Interreligious Dialogue (MID/DIM) held its annual meeting, this year at the monastery of Fonte Avellana MID - Monastic Interreligious Di...


XII International Liturgical ConferenceLITURGY AND COSMOS The cosmological foundations of the liturgical architectureBose, 29-31 May 2014 Organized by the Monaster...


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Venerdì 6 dicembre con grande gioia abbiamo accolto la visita del vescovo ausiliare della docesi ortodossa di Stara Zagora in Bulgaria, mons. Ignokentij di Krupniko  


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Bose, 25-29 August 2008 XXXVI Week of study Association of Professors of Liturgy The Italian Association of Professors of Liturgy has devoted its XXXVIth Week of study to the topic of "l...


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Press release Ostuni, 28 October 2008 From Tuesday 6 to Friday 10 October a meeting of Orthodox young people (International Youth Exchange) was held at the Monastic Fraternity of Bose a...


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December 2008 The fortieth anniversary of the beginning of common life at Bose suggests to us to give, this once, a different form to the news about the events and persons that marked this la...


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Press release Ostuni, 28 October 2008 From Tuesday 6 to Friday 10 October a meeting of Orthodox young people (International Youth Exchange) was held at the Monastic Fraternity of Bose a...


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Continuity — in the furrow of an authentic monastic stabilitas, which is a daily obedience to God’s will — shows itself above all in the most ordinary dimension of life: Continuity — i...


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Bose, December 2013 from the Letter to our friends n° 57 On 25 June one of the first brothers, Edoardo, passed away peacefully — the first death of a brother in the community ...


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Bose, December 2013 from the Letter to our friends n° 57 Visits to Bose of monks and nuns of other communities have created or renewed ties of friendship and fraternity During t...


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  The daily rhythm of prayer, lectio, work, hospitality marks equally the life of the brothers in our two fraternities: The daily rhythm of prayer, lectio, work, hospitality marks equally th...


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From the very beginning, despite the difficulties of the first years, we wanted our community to be rooted in a definite local Church and to live out its solicitude for all the Churches and for the...


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Our provenance, from the very beginnings of our common life, from different Christian Churches has always been for us a stimulus to seek to go back to the common Biblical patrimony and that of the ...


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Yet in the early 1970s we began to prepare a small ecumenical martyrology and to seek ways of commemoration that would conform to the Gospel and respect the deepest convictions of the various Churc...


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The liturgical reflection that we have been pursuing for many years also has its origin in our being an ecumenical community born in the years of the Council and of its liturgical reform. To develo...


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“Art is a fragile thing fragile as love” Nicolas De Staël X STAGIONE 2009- PROGRAM X STAGIONE 2009- POSTER       ...


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Many of you, friends and guests, know how fundamental for our young community, which was then taking its first steps in the furrow of the great monastic tradition, was the encounter with other form...


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VII INTERNATIONAL LITURGICAL CONFERENCE Bose, Thursday 4 - Saturday 6 June 2009 CHURCH AND CITY Monastery of Bose Office for the Church's Cultural heritage – IBC   ...


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In this fruitful continuity that marks our monastic life in Bose there are also unexpected gifts, which arise apparently gratuitously, but that are also revealed as the outcome of patient daily wor...


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Let us contemplate the seven words uttered by Jesus on the cross   R. Kyrie, eleison! Kyrie, eleison! Padre, perdona loro, non sanno quello che fanno! R. ...


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Bose, 9 - 12 September 2009 XVII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox Spirituality In collaboration with the Orthodox Churches XVII International Ecumenical Conference o...


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Less welcome news regard the fraternity in Jerusalem: br Daniel and br Alberto, due to the non-renewal of their lease, have been obliged to move in a hurry from the house where they resided in the ...


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25 December 2009 Christmas To all of you, friends and guests and you who follow us from afar our wishes and prayer for we gaze every day upon Jesus CHRISTMAS 2009 ...


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We are grateful to Alessandro Spina, with whom we, together with various friends, spent an intensive Sunday of in-depth study of his work as writer and as personality-bridge with the Arab world; to...


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The Christian holidays by ENZO BIANCHI Communion is the fruit and the manifestation of the love that, flowing out from the heart of the eternal Father, pours itself out on us through the Spirit t...


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XVII International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality Bose, 9 - 12 September 2009 in collaboration with the Orthodox Churches   2009_SCHEDA D'ISCRIZIONE FICHE D&#...


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5 aprile 2009 Commento all'Evangelo di ENZO BIANCHI Gesù ha vissuto la propria fine nella libertà: avrebbe potuto fuggire prima che gli eventi precipitassero Anno B Mc 14,1-15,47 ...


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Bose, 8 June 2009 In January, which as always for us is a period of retreat and of silence, when we are normally closed to guests, the community lived intense days of the chapter. This year w...


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© Verlag Herder Freiburg in Breisgau 1988    translation into German of: ENZO BIANCHI Pregare la Parola © edizioni Gribaudi, 1974