Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Bose, 5 - 8 September 2012 XX International Ecumenical Conference È bello incontrarci attratti dalla comune fede che ci mette fin dal primo momento in relazione non superficiale ...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Bose, Wednesday 5 - Saturday 8 September 2012 XX International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality  MAN–CUSTODIAN OF CREATION  XX International E...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Bose, 5 - 8 September 2012 XX International Ecumenical Conference Porto a tutti voi, partecipanti a questo convegno ecumenico e a tutta la comunità monastica di Bose il saluto dei vescovi ...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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The Holy Father has appointed Br. Enzo Bianchi, prior of the monastic community of Bose, expert among the Adiutores Secretarii specialis at the next XIII ordinary genaral assembly of the ...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

Tutti i membri della fraternità lavorano, guadagnandosi da vivere con le proprie mani come tutti gli altri uomini e sull’esempio degli Apostoli e dei Padri

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Bose, 7 November 2012 The prior and the community share with the Coptic Church its joy for the election of the new patriarch Tawadros Patriarch Maxim Bose, 7 November 2012  T...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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XXI International Ecumenical Conference on Orthodox spirituality THE AGES OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE Bose, Wednesday 4 - Saturday 7 September 2013 in collaboratio...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Bose, 4 dicembre 2012 A pastor capable of leading the faithful in Christ’s footsteps, in the light of the “new Pentecost” of Vatican II. From the very beginning of his episc...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

XI International liturgical conference Bose, 30 May - 1 June 2013 On the fiftieth anniversary of promulgation of the Constitution on the divine liturgy Sacrosanctum Concili...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Bose, Monday, 17 December 2012 The Holy Synod of the Greek-Orthodox Church of Antioch meeting in the monastery of Our Lady of Balamand this morning has elected the archbishop of Europe, metropolit...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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At the beginning of May the Vth Ecumenical conference dedicated to the spirituality of the Churches of the Reform was held in Bose. It was promoted and organized, together with out community, by th...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Bose, 4-7 September 2013 The ages of the spiritual life XXI International Ecumenical Conference in collaboration with the Orthodox Churces XXI International Ecumenical Conference...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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In the last few months sickness and death have again visited our community, and for the first time in one of its members. Our beloved metropolitan Emilianos (Timiadis) passed from this life to the ...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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A long and patient work of study, translation, and revision carried out over many years by the prior, assisted by other brothers and sisters of the community, has resulted at the end of February in...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Also in these last few months many guests have visited us: in each one of them — as St Benedict exhorts us in his Rule (no. 53) — we have tried to recognize the Lord in person and to receive his me...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Numerous visits of monks and nuns in this period have been a particular occasion of joy and of confirmation in the monastic vocation. Particularly welcome and appreciated were, first of all, the vi...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Precious occasions of formation and of encounter have been also the trips of study, of work, or of preaching that gave some members of our community the chance to visit European and other church co...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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In the end, as always, we wish to mention some of the occasions of preaching and giving talks of our prior, which have taken him to various cities in Italy and abroad in this period. In ...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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  Le Discours sur la montagne, en particulier la partie consacrée aux Béatitudes, est l'un des passages les plus appréclés et les plus souvent cités des...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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24 June 2008 by ENZO BIANCHI If the Church still today solemnly celebrates the Baptist’s birth, that is because it remains conscious of this figure’s central position according to Revelation ...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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On Sunday, 25 February 2013, metropolitan Neofit of Ruse was elected patriarch of Bulgaria and metropolitan of Sofia On Sunday, 25 February 2013, metropolitan Neofit of Ruse was elected ...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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La grande varietà dei lavori svolti a Cellole scaturisce a un tempo dalla chiamata di ciascuno a mettere i propri doni a servizio degli altri e dalle concrete opportunità e necessità che emergono d...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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The prior br. Enzo and the whole community of Bose express their joy for the election of pope Francis and assure with deep affection their faithful prayer   The prior...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

Vatican City, 14 March 2013 When we build without the Cross, when we profess Christ without the Cross, we are not disciples of the Lord, we are worldly   HOLY MASS WITH THE CARDINA...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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On Monday, 18 March, br Enzo had a long meeting in Rome with the ecumenical patriarch Bartholomew, on the eve of the eucharistic liturgy for the beginning of the Petrine mission of pope Francis ...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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La pieve di Santa Maria Assunta a Cellole, "una delle più importanti pievi romaniche risalenti al XII secolo esistenti nel territorio" della Valdelsa – secondo il giudizio del professor Antonio Pao...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Giorni di ritiro e silenzio

È possibile vivere giorni di riposo e quiete, lasciandosi guidare dalla preghiera dei salmi e dall’ascolto del Vangelo del giorno.Di tanto in tanto ciascuno pu...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

Daily program XI International liturgical conference Bose, 30 May - 1 June 2013 Organized by the Monastery of Bose in collaboration with the National Office for the Church's Heritage...

Sunday 06 October 2024, at 04:28

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Toscana oggi, 9 aprile 2013 di LIDO BARTALESI-LENZI Cellole, divenuta la «Bose-Toscana», è ora un bocciolo o una gemma primaverile. È nuovamente destinata ad essere u...